Promotion of the Mutual Commercial and Economic Relations Between Bulgaria and Iran
The Deputy Minister of Economy Ljuben Petrov signed in Iran two Memoranda for promotion of mutual commercial and economic relations. The first document is Memorandum of understanding between Bulgarian Investment Agency and the Organization for investments, economic and technical assistance of Iran. From the Iranian side the document was signed by Mohammad Khazaee, Deputy Minister and President of the Organization for investments, economic and technical assistance of Iran. According to the record there Iranian- Bulgarian joint work group will be created to discuss and propose measures for increasing the size of bilateral investments and enhancement of collaboration between both countries. The task of work group will be to identify the fields for collaboration development, to monitor the investment trends to organize conferences and seminars for investment training in the fields of mutual interest.
The second Memorandum of understanding is between the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency and the Iran organization for small and medium enterprises and industrial parks. From the Iranian side the document was signed by Ali Yazdani, Deputy Minister of industry, mines and commerce and Executive Director of the Organisation. The Memorandum foresees both institutions to promote and assist the small and medium enterprises /SMEs/ to establish joint enterprises transfer of technologies in the industrial parks and zones of both countries and other. Both countries are engaged to exchange information of common interest on commercial fairs, exhibitions and other important events.
The Deputy Minister Ljuben Petrov is visiting Islamic Republic of Iran within the government delegation led by the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov.
Source: http://www.mi.government.bg/