The Ministry of Economy is really committed to further improve the business environment and you can count on our active cooperation and support. We will work hard in order to implement the economic priorities of the government – to simplify and facilitate the administrative services, to maintain and improve a favorable business climate, to foster the investment and innovation and to improve the access to finance”. That was stated by the Minister of Economy Bojidar Loukarsky at the ceremony opening a Rain Water Treatment Plant worth EUR 6.3 million at the industrial site of Aurubis Bulgaria in the town of Pirdop.
“Your company has significantly contributed both to the region of Srednogorie and the Bulgarian economy. You have been among the foremost investors in the country as Aurubis Bulgaria has been implementing investments exceeding BGN 1 billion for the last 10 years. You have employed over 800 people, which makes you a serious employer”, said the Minister. He welcomed the company’s pursuit of laying down high standards for environmental protection.
Minister Loukarsky announced that the Operational Program “Competitiveness and Innovation” for the programming period 2013-2020 is close to being finally adopted. All comments made by the European Commission under the program were duly corrected. Launching the program will assure financing for small and medium business, which is our main priority”, he added.
Minister Loukarsky stressed that the Ministry of Economy should aim at creating an environment and regulation to assist all investors as Aurubis Bulgaria. Efforts regarding the improvement of the climate and he development of small and medium business on the basis of legal framework amendments, will be made”, added Minister Loukarsky.
Source: http://www.mi.government.bg/