“Stimulation of high-tech sectors is priority in our job and our ambitious projects of several investors are a sign that our efforts have helped building a better environment for their development”. This is what the minister of economy Bozhidar Loukarski said on the ceremony for certificate award of investment class “A” of “Bulpros Consulting”. The investment project of the company provides the expansion of its already existing activity through the new 1085 workplaces for high qualified IT experts. The total value of the planned investment is 3 054 000 leva. On the ceremony were also present the Deputy minister of the economy Mrs. Daniela Vezieva and the Executive Director of Invest Bulgaria Agency, Mr. Stamen Yanev.
“This certificate clearly shows, that the investment advantages in Bulgaria, especially in the high-tech sectors as well as in the IT sectors, are highly appreciated by the international as well as Bulgarian companies”, mentioned the Minister of economy. According to him the establishment of our country as a desired outsourcing destination throughout the last years brings many new opportunities not only for major international companies but as well as for perspective Bulgarian companies. “I hope that more and more Bulgarian companies will implement their ambitious plans with the aid of the incentives, which we provide under the Investment Promotion act and to find place in prestigious international charts.”, he added. “Bulpros Consulting” takes 12th place in the “Deloitte’s” ranking for the 50 most rapidly developing companies in Central Europe for 2015. Minister Loukarski also said that the new planned workplaces will be for highly qualified experts, which generate even more “Added value” in our economy.
Mr. Jordan Ginev, managing partner of “Bulpros Consulting” expressed his gratitude for the certificate and for the good cooperation with the state, represented by the Ministry of Economy and Invest Bulgaria Agency. “We have chosen Bulgaria because we think there are enough well prepared staff and good economic environment for further development of the business.”, he mentioned. “We are currently focused on the IT sector and on the customer service as well as the manufacture of our own products”, said Mr. Ginev.
The certificate is the sixth certificate, released under the Investment Promotion act for the current year. For the first six months of 2016, the certified projects ar of total value of more than 108 mln leva. With these projects more thatn 2000 new workplaces are expected, which is 700 more compared to the whole last year.
“Bulpros Consulting: is oriented towards providing services and solutions with focus on mobility and cooperation in corporate environment, cloud technologies, big amount of data and outsourcing. The investment project of the company provides expansion of its activity in two main directions – providing services in software development and development of consumer networks and systems as well as call centers. The investor will benefit from many incentives under the Investment promotion act, which include individual administrative service with shortened procedures, financial aid for vocational training of the staff within the new workplaces as well as reimbursement of labour costs.
Source: http://www.mi.government.bg/