Bulgaria Ranks 11th Among the Best Countries in the World

Bulgaria Ranks 11th Among the Best Countries in the World

Bulgaria ranked 11th in the Good Country Index, prepared by the team of independent British political consultant Simon Anholt, Manager.bg writes. 

For the purpose of the ranking, Anholt’s team uses data from 35 world organizations, including the United Nations and the World Bank, to determine the contribution of individual countries to the overall well-being of humanity over their capabilities (GDP, population, etc.)

The ranking for 2018 includes a total of 153 countries ranked according to their global contribution in 7 different categories – Science and Technology, Culture, Peace and International Security, World Order, Planet and Climate, Prosperity and Equality “and” Health “.

Our country performs best in the categories “Science and Technology“, “Peace and International Security” and “Planet and Climate”, where it occupies 11th, 15th and 11th place respectively. Worst is our ranking in the Prosperity and Equality category – 49th.

The list headed Finland, which ranks second in Prosperity and Equality and the 6th in Planet and Climate. It is followed by Ireland, Sweden, Germany and Denmark. The top 10 are Switzerland, Norway, France, Spain and Canada. In the top 20 there are a total of 17 European countries.

This is the fourth edition of the 2014 ranking. Then the champion became Ireland, followed by Sweden in 2016 and the Netherlands in 2017.

Among our neighbours, the Republic of Macedonia is ranked 25th, followed by Romania – 32, Greece – 42, Serbia – 48 and Turkey -57.

In the big world economies, the United Kingdom is the 15th largest, Italy -19, Japan-24, US-40, Russia -41, and China-59.

The last places in the ranking occupy Iraq, Libya and Yemen.